American Values 2024 raises $9.8 Million by Mid-Year

Latest fundraising reports indicate that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is increasingly viewed by the electorate as the Democratic candidate best positioned to take votes away from Donald Trump and to win in November.  American Values 2024, the Super PAC supporting RFK Jr.’s candidacy, has already raised a remarkable $16,820,000, from both Democrats and Republicans — this, before its grassroots fundraising program has even begun.  With hundreds of fundraisers being organized nationwide, the Super PAC hopes to raise between $80M and $100M by the end of the year.

Fundraising Breakdown:

The filing shows that $9.8M was received as of the filing deadline of June 30.  An additional $550K was received last year.  $6.47M was received in July.

“The fact that Kennedy gets so much bipartisan support tells me two things: that he’s the one candidate who can unite the country and root out corruption and that he’s the one Democrat who can win in the general election,” said Tim Mellon, a donor to American Values 2024.

Kennedy is attracting support from the Left and Right because he is viewed as a truth-teller rather than a partisan. 

“I’ve been voting for Democratic candidates all my life. In seeking his party’s nomination, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has cast himself into the waters of truth,” said donor Abby Rockefeller.  “It’s a great relief and gives me hope.”

Recent polls suggest that a majority of Democratic voters want a candidate other than Biden. 

“Americans see enthusiastic crowds at Trump events, and they see no Biden events at all,” said Gavin de Becker, bestselling author of The Gift of Fear.  “We Democrats sorely need a candidate people can be enthusiastic about, someone brave enough to tell the truth and someone who understands our regulatory agencies because he has litigated against their corruption for years.

De Becker: “I’m sure most people working in those agencies also want change and improvement – and when a candidate is attacked fiercely by those in positions of power, it’s because they fear a person who can create change that benefits the citizens instead of the institutions.  I am proud to support RFK, Jr. for President.” 

As a 9-year-old boy, Bobby saw his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, assassinated.  Five years later, he witnessed the murder of his father (also running for president) while standing a few feet away from him.  Now, that person is running for the nation’s top office but has been denied routine Secret Service security by the White House. 

“While the idea that a Democratic President would intentionally withhold this standard of security from a political opponent is unconscionable, the decision also tells you everything you need to know about the character of Joe Biden,” said American Values 2024 co-founder Tony Lyons, President and Publisher, Skyhorse Publishing and a member of the board for the National Coalition Against Censorship. 

“The Nixon Administration extended Secret Service protection to Senator Ted Kennedy in 1972, even though they were political adversaries. The Carter administration extended Secret Service protection to Kennedy again in 1979, even though he was challenging a sitting president.  Past administrations offered early protection to Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Barack Obama, John McCain, and several others.  Despite false media reports, the Biden administration is the one outlier, withholding Secret Service protection to a candidate who has requested it.”

“When the American people understand that the Biden administration has used the government to illegally censor RFK, Jr., target him with false accusations, illegally attack him in the White House press room, and deny him routine protection, they will voice their opposition to those un-American actions by donating more money to that candidate and the Super PAC supporting him,” said Lyons.  “We saw $5M in donations come in DURING the congressional testimony by RFK, Jr.  We will see that same kind of reaction from donors each time the DNC and the Biden administration undertake dirty tricks against this presidential candidate.”