AV24 Ad Responds to the DNC Botched Attempt to Smear Robert F. Kennedy Jr. In Michigan

Michigan Law Upholds AV24 Signature Gathering Despite DNC Effort To Suppress Voters Through FEC Filing

American Values 24 (AV24),  the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s candidacy for president responded to the latest DNC attempt to smear Kennedy in Michigan and disenfranchise voters, with billboard advertisements running in nine locations throughout the state.

Last week, the DNC and Biden campaign strategists declared that AV24’s Super Bowl “Kennedy Jingle” television ad was “bought and paid for by Trump’s largest donor, Tim Mellon,” when in reality, the ad’s idea, funding, and execution came primarily from Nicole Shanahan, a Democratic donor who contributed to Biden’s 2020 campaign and as the New York Times reported, considers herself a “progressive through and through.”

“President Biden’s sinking approval rating and plummeting polling numbers nationally and in key battleground states like Michigan have triggered unprecedented panic in both the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee.,” said Tony Lyons, Co-Founder of AV24.  

“The DNC and the super PACS and Think Tanks that it’s connected to are also waging an all-out assault on voting rights. The unhinged DNC is playing political games that pose an existential threat to democracy at the same time that they claim to be trying to protect it,” added Lyons.

The precedent speaks volumes. As exemplified by Deleeuw v. State Board of Canvassers in Michigan, a case firmly upheld by the Supreme Court, “the act of collecting signatures and submitting them on behalf of a candidate is not just a civic duty but an exercise of First Amendment rights.”

“The DNC’s FEC complaint, the billboards in Michigan and NY, and the unprecedented and repeated denial of secret service protection to Kennedy show a pattern of corruption aimed at vilifying Bobby Kennedy, attacking the super PAC’s donors, and denying constitutionally protected voting rights,” said Lyons.