2024 Superbowl Ad

American Values, the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s candidacy for president, today announced a spend of $7M for the now overly famous  ad run in the first half of yesterday’s Super Bowl. While the ad continues to trend on social media, the DNC and its allies continue to attack. However, AV24 had been anticipating this. The backlash falls on the heels of last week’s announcement from the DNC that it filed a federal election complaint against AV24.

RFK Jr offers us real change along with freedom, trust and hope.

“Six months of relentless attacks from the DNC-aligned media have not dented RFK Jr.’s momentum. RFK Jr. continues to gain support and poll well, even as high as 24% recently,” said AV24 Co-Founder Mark Gorton.

“The only argument the DNC has left is that Biden is not Trump. When RFK Jr. gets on the ballot, the American public will have the ability to choose a candidate who is not Trump, who has integrity, bravery, a proven track record of fighting corporate corruption, and the ability to stand up to the corporate interests that have taken over the Biden administration. The American people are waking up, and the DNC’s only hope is to prevent them from having a choice,” added Gorton.

“The panicked DC power brokers are working overtime to keep Kennedy off the ballot because they know he can and will end their culture of greed and corruption. They offer us soaring inflation, forever wars, and chronic disease. RFK Jr offers us real change along with freedom, trust and hope. Like his uncle and his father, Kennedy is a corruption-fighter, and it’s no wonder the DNC is trying every old trick and inventing new tricks to stop him. The public sees through it all and won’t stand for it,” responded AV24 Co-Founder Tony Lyons.