In Brutal Blow to Trump, LA Court Finds COVID-Vaccine Mandate Unconstitutional

In Brutal Blow to Trump, LA Court Finds COVID-Vaccine Mandate Unconstitutional
Louis Conte | June 10, 2024

“President Trump, Junior here, we disagree on many issues, but I want you to know how much I admire your hard-headed courage for sticking to your guns on your Covid vax, despite all the evidence.” — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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By Louis Conte, Health Freedom Correspondent, The Kennedy Beacon

On June 7, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Los Angeles

For future epidemics, Kennedy promises to convene a group of medical experts to address how to treat the illness with readily available medications rather than relying on lockdowns and untested vaccines.

Implicit in Kennedy’s latest criticism of the medical establishment vis-a-vis the vaccine rollout during the pandemic is sharp disagreement over how Trump managed the pandemic: Kennedy pointed out on X that former president Donald Trump continues to stand by his Covid vaccines, “President Trump, Junior here, we disagree on many issues, but I want you to know how much I admire your hard-headed courage for sticking to your guns on your Covid vax, despite all the evidence.”

Kennedy, also on X, noted Former CDC Director Robert Redfield expressed concerns he had voiced over three years ago: President Trump rushed the mRNA vaccine. President Biden, Kennedy writes, tried to “force it into everyone’s arms.” He continued, “Have either learned from their mistakes?”

Donald Trump certainly has not.

While President Biden’s censorship apparatus continues to suppress negative news about Covid vaccines, Trump regards them as being his signature Covid-era accomplishment.

Over two years ago, Kennedy described the damage caused by Trump’s vaccines in his foreword to Ed Dowd’s Cause Unknown (Skyhorse Publishing). Finally, as recently confirmed, Trump’s vaccines may be linked to excess deaths. A New York Post article references a study in the British Medical Journal, which Dr. John Campbell explains as proof that vaccines cause harm.

In early 2020, as the SARS-CoV-2 virus was spreading across the country, Trump embraced Dr. Anthony Fauci and shunned Robert Redfield. Trump’s reliance on Fauci was a catastrophic mistake.

Fauci emerged as the person legacy media designated “America’s Doctor.” In 2020, Americans listened to bad jokes using “President Fauci” as the punchline while anxiously closing businesses during mandated shutdowns.

Fauci convinced Trump and the public health establishment to ignore readily available, inexpensive antiviral medications and instead to lockdown the nation and wait until a vaccine could be produced.

Under Fauci’s tutelage, Trump opened up the wallets of taxpayers to Fauci’s Big Pharma allies to the tune of 18 billion dollars to pay for his Covid vaccine initiative, according to Bloomberg.

On May 15 2020, when Trump announced “Project Warp Speed” to rush a vaccine out, he had been taking hydroxychloroquine on the advice of Dr. Zelenko for some time, as reported by CBS. Meanwhile, thousands of Americans were being discouraged from taking similar preventative measures.

Drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine could have been deployed to save thousands of lives. People should have been advised to boost their vitamin D levels, to get outside and exercise.

Regular Americans were told the exact opposite.

Regular Americans were told to wait for Trump’s vaccine.

And what has Trump’s vaccine wrought?

Myocarditis, cancer concerns and neurological side effects. Moreover, there have been concerning increases in miscarriage, stillbirths and an unexpected 40% increase ‘all cause deaths’.

The Covid vaccines did produce two positive outcomes – record profits for Pfizer and Moderna and record royalties for the agency Fauci ran – the National Institute for Allergic and Infectious Disease (NIAID).

According to Open the Books, Big Pharma paid $690 Million to Fauci’s agency through secret third-party royalties during pandemic years.

As Kennedy predicted, the Covid vaccines did not work as advertised. He pointed out on X recently that “the architects of the whole Covid fiasco (who censored and ridiculed the people who turned out to be right) remain in power.”

Trump still embraces his vaccine even as he is booed at his own rallies when he claims success for Operation Warp Speed.

Trump is also still cozy with Big Pharma. His leading campaign advisor, Susie Wiles, is up to her eye sockets with pharmaceutical industry cronies as The Kennedy Beacon’s Liam Sturgess details here.

Now, as Trump seeks to regain the White House, one must ask if Trump will again fail to stand up to public health bureaucrats when they seek to enrich Big Pharma at the expense of regular Americans. Will Trump snuggle with Susie Wiles and her Big Pharma allies, deny Americans access to drugs that work, and launch another experimental vaccine that also does not work – that we’ll again be mandated to take?

Fauci may be gone but the corrupt government agency he built to steer profits to Big Pharma and NIAID employees remains.–

Nothing has changed for the captured public health establishment. Royalty money is too good for anyone to consider changing.

When put to the test, will the man who once promised to “drain the swamp” allow the same corrupt, captured agencies to run another pandemic scam on Americans?

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