Letter to the DNC and Its Aligned Media Elite: Please Stop Whining. Please.

Letter to the DNC and Its Aligned Media Elite: Please Stop Whining. Please.
Louis Conte | April 10, 2024

By Louis Conte, Headlines Editor, The Kennedy Beacon

We wake up this mid-April morning with the realization that we have survived an epic New Jersey earthquake and the ominous “great American solar eclipse.” If ever there was a time for an alien invasion, a Godzilla attack, or other form of global warming induced apocalyptic ending to Western civilization, this was it.

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And yet, nothing.

We don’t get off that easy.

Once again, I dive into my duties as headlines editor – monitoring the networks, the press, and the internet to observe the nation’s political antics as we plough ahead into what promises to be the craziest presidential campaign since the last crazy one in 2020.

I have been doing this for a while and I think that I’m an expert now. And yet, oddly, no invites from CNN to come on Sunday morning political banter shows to dazzle the remaining few viewers with my insights on where this election is going.

Truth is, I have no idea what is going to happen with this thing.

I do know, from years of studying human behavior, that people conceal their fears by trying to divert your attention from the issue they fear.

The DNC and the RNC fear independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan.

The RNC – Donald Trump – manages the RFK Jr. problem with bluster by painting him as a “radical leftist.” This is ridiculous because Kennedy is actually a radical centrist. A centerpiece of his campaign is his promise to get Americans of all political leanings back to a common ground and start listening to each other. To solve problems and get the government functioning again for the people.

The DNC – Joe Biden, last I checked – handles the RFK Jr. problem by endlessly whining.



It sounds like this.

I cannot describe the exquisite agony that listening to Joy Behar, Rachel Maddow, Joe Scarborough, and Joy Reid induces. I am certain that there is a cell in Dante’s Inferno where sinners writhe in torment listening to this crew.

Typically, the DNC aligned fleet of media whiners takes a statement from RFK Jr. and subjects it to what I call “biased quote parsing.” It is the process of taking excerpts from an otherwise reasonable statement, while excluding the context, and twisting it into a raging, indignant, screed of complaint designed to paint Kennedy as a “conspiracy theorist.” The blather is then injected into the news cycle like another Covid booster.

And just like another Covid booster, you will have to take another and go through this all over again.

The Democrats whine that Kennedy will take votes from Biden and put Trump, who they believe will end “our democracy,” back in the White House. Does anyone at the DNC consider that if Biden had done even an average job of running the country that the 2024 election would have been a total snooze even with Biden’s ‘age issue’? It is not like Trump is regarded as a great alternative by the majority of the electorate. Both candidates fall far behind Kennedy in favorability. While the DNC gets lost in whining, they want the country not to notice that the economy is lousy even though President Biden says it is “the best in the world.”

They want the country to not notice that we are stuck in a cycle of endless wars that Democrats used to oppose but now fully embrace.

They want young Americans to be satisfied with having to work four part-time jobs just to make rent and keep the raging inflation monster from devouring their last dime.

They want all of us to ignore the looming debt crisis and the plague of chronic illness consuming lives and the American middle class.

The DNC just wants to go on whining about how unfair it all is that Americans no longer view them as the elite experts they claim to be.

The smarmy know-it-alls at the DNC want Americans to not notice that the Biden administration has failed.

And that the only candidate who can beat Donald Trump is Kennedy.

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